Chadian President is dead


The newly re-elected President died of injuries on Tuesday while fighting rebels in the north of the Sahel country.

The shocking announcement came only the day after the 68-year-old was proclaimed the winner of a presidential election that had given him a sixth term in office.

The army said Deby had been commanding his army at the weekend as it battled against rebels who had launched a major incursion into the north of the country on election day. 

Idriss Deby’s Son To Take Over Military Council

General Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno will be replacing his father, Idriss Deby Itno, as head of a military council.

The army announced on Tuesday in a radio broadcast that the four-star general will replace his father.

“A military council has been set up headed by his son, General Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno,” the army’s spokesman, General Azem Bermandoa Agouna, said on state radio.


Curfew Imposed, Borders Shut

The army has announced that a curfew has been imposed and borders should be immediately shut after the death of President Deby. 


Chad’s Army Promises ‘Democratic’ Poll 

Ballots are counted after the closing of the voting operations at a roadside voting station in N’djamena, on April 11, 2021. PHOTO: MARCO LONGARI / AFP

Chad’s army has dissolved government and parliament after announcing the death of President Idriss Deby Itno

They vowed “free and democratic” elections following an 18-month transition period.

Tributes On Social Media

Chadians and others have taken to social media to pay tributes to President Idriss Deby who died after he sustained injuries on the frontline battling rebels. Many lauded him for being a true leader who was selflessly committed to the stabilty of his country.

Israel Prime Minister in a tweet said he will be missed for his bold leadership and his historic decision to renew Chad’s relationship with Israel.

See below some of the tributes on Twitter:






France Hails Him As Courageous Friend

The statement from the Elysee Palace described the late Chadian President Idriss Deby as a “courageous friend” of France and a “great soldier” who worked tirelessly for the security of his country.

French presidency also emphasised the importance of “stability and territorial integrity” for Chad while urging that the post-Deby transition take place in “peaceful conditions.

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